On 24 February 2022, large numbers of Russian ground forces invaded Ukraine. The mass assault included almost two hundred thousand soldiers and constituted the...
Tag - France
“Deserters are not traitors, and desertion is not a crime, because there is no other way out of this situation,” said Alexander. The young...
Caen (13/6 – 30). The past days saw a sway of D-Day celebration of June 6, 1944, bringing together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what...
The Czechs have never forgotten that allies handed over their Sudetenland Province to Hitler in 1938 after the German dictator promised it would be “last...
London (06/11 – 58) France and the United Kingdom (UK) have jointly made a request in favour of Sri Lanka to the court of the Southern District of New York...
Growing worries that the EU will fall short of its pledge to supply a million artillery shells to Ukraine by March is forcing France to do an about-face on its...
Dublin, London (9/10 – 25) The pool stage of the 2023 Rugby World Cup in France reached its final day on Sunday. The eight quarter-final contenders who will...
Paris, Dublin, London (24/9 – 32) Undefeated in 17 games in the last 15 months, Ireland has beaten every rugby union world champion, three of them twice...
Paris, Dublin, Johannesburg (20/9 – 15) The 2023 Rugby World Cup will contest what will arguably be the grandest game in the Pool Stage this weekend. On...
Lu Shaye, China’s ambassador to France, said that former Soviet countries have no ‘effective status’ in international law. The Baltic states of Estonia...